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  • jorantes

Artist Ted-Talk

The reason for choosing this Ted-Talk was no exactly because I think I match up with her practices but because once my idea for making my version of tarot cards was concrete I wrote down the meaning of a few including the lovers card. I started brainstorming on ideas I can paint and everytime Marina Abromovic's Rest Energy performance came to mind. Once I saw she had a ted-talk i immediately clicked it and funny enough she brought up this specific performance. Marina Abromovic is known for her complex performance pieces as well as feminist and endurance art. She takes ideas that tests her mental emotional and physical limits that in some instances include performances that are life risking. She is very passionate about her artwork and accounts for the minute details in her art and gives it meaning. She speaks about the emotion for both her and the consumer of her art throughout the ted-talk. In the description it says that her "art pushes the boundary between audience and artist in pursuit of heightened consciousness and personal change." She is not afraid to confront things that scare her because to her that is what brings change and she incorporates this in her performances. She talks about the difference between theater performance and her type of performance and puts into perspective how raw her art is.

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