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  • jorantes

the artist’s journey

Subject : Images that are of meaning to myself that remind me of what I am currently going through in life

Voice: My vision within this subject is to use symbolism in my art. I don’t want my art to be looked at and immediately understood. There is a story to it and its deeper than the images that will be portrayed on sheet of paper or canvas.

Point of view: Having to deal with the loss of a friend and grief for the second time in a short amount of time. The uncertainty of things that came accross from my previous projects from art tutorials 1 will be brought over to these work of arts.

Medium / Style: I will be doing mixed media once again because i like having the ability to switch materials to provide texture and different values to my art. I would not say I really have an exact style , I just draw what comes to mind and then find ways to make it more pleasing to look at while not losing my initial intention in the art.

Time: Time passes by so fast and slow at the same time. The uncertainty of time and the randomness of life is what will make my art a part of the now.

I like how it was mentioned when speaking about cubism , Picassos style that he knew his intentions and what he was doing even though it started uproar and no one else understood. I have spent a long time only wanting to make art that other people will like and approve of but this made me realize that all thag matters is that I understand and enjoy my art and its story

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